Monday, November 11, 2013

We bought a goat!

So with Christmas just around the corner, I'm beginning to think about gifts. I'm actually about half way done with Christmas shopping which I am very pleased with! I really enjoy Christmas time. The coziness of everything, the cool weather (which really means mid-seventies in Southern California) the joy on someone's face when they open their gifts, and most of all the importance and remembrance of Christ's birth. I'm so fortunate when I sit down and look around. I have an amazing supportive husband, an adorable and pure son, a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. What more could I need? Well, that is where the goat comes in.
I told my husband that I didn't want a gift this year. I know I'll be getting gifts from other relatives and friends and I simply do not need anything... But others do. I told him to take the money that he would spend on me, and use it to help someone else. I had a magazine for World Vision and showed it to him. He told me to pick something out that I wanted to give.
Thus, the goat. They reproduce which can be used for trading or selling, they are useful for milk and cheese, and their waste is used to fertilize. An animal that I might otherwise see in a petting zoo and think smells, is saving someone else's life.
No I'm not in a remote part if the world helping AIDs patients or doing something extravagant, but I'm doing what I can. I'm not here to boast about what I've done, but I do want to challenge you. We're not called to be comfortable. We're called to help those in need. I really urge whomever is reading this to give back somehow this holiday season. Whether it's volunteering at a soup kitchen or donating canned goods or clothes to a needy cause, we're all able to do something. A perk to giving back is that it feels so rewarding.

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, 
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Hebrews 13:16
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