Thursday, March 28, 2013

Waiting for his arrival

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant so I am considered full term. It's about 1:30am and I couldn't sleep so what better to do than blog? I don't get much sleep anymore because every sleeping position is uncomfortable or because I have a million things running through my head. It's really amazing to think that any day now I'm going to have my son in my arms. I've had him in my womb for 9 months now. I've nurtured him and protected him. Pretty soon he's going to be here and I won't be able to protect him the way I am able to now. I pray over him so much, I know that he's protect from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I never realized how different my praying life would be after I became pregnant. I have trouble with forgiving people who have hurt me/my husband and I've struggled to really have a Christian attitude towards some people. I'm becoming a lot wiser and feel like God's really been working in that aspect of my life. I feel a lot more humble and thankful. It's easy to get caught up asking God for things and forgetting to thank him for everything we have. 

This past Sunday my husband was playing the drums at Church and it hit me that he was leading me and our son in worship. It just gave me this goofy feeling on the inside. Usually when he's not on stage and next to me during worship he'll be worshiping and put his hand on my stomach and pray for our son. There's just something great and different about him being on stage honoring God and leading his family in to praise. Here's a video I shot this past week of him playing. Sorry for the distortion! It was very loud at some points so my camera couldn't get it as clear as I'd like!

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