Because our baby wasn't cooperating with us during ultrasounds at the doctors, my husband and I decided to splurge and pay for a 4D ultrasound. I, of course, without thinking about the ultrasound decided to eat a very heavy lunch and so the baby wasn't very active during our ultrasound. Because of this, our little one slept through the whole thing covering their face. Luckily, they offered us a second viewing for half price! Although we never were 100% certain, my OB told me that "It looks like a girl, but don't go shopping yet!". Of course, after she told us that I was convinced I was having a girl. All I could do was pin things on Pinterest that was little girl related and my husband and I picked out her name. I knew what colors I wanted her nursery to be and I had everything figured out, or so I thought..It turns out that it was a good thing that I didn't go out shopping because we are having a boy!
I was in complete shock when she announced it was a boy. I thought "no, we're having a girl, she must be wrong". Of course she showed us "the goods" and yes, indeed he is a boy! For several hours after the ultrasound I was still in complete shock. This changed everything! I had so many things rushing through my head. I had to change my pins, rethink names (unless he didn't mind being called Annie), think of a new color scheme, etc. After a while I was excited with the thought of having a boy. We since then have come up with his name. Judah Benjamin Lopez. We wanted a strong Biblical name and Judah means "Praise".
I stare at these ultrasound pictures and re-watch the ultrasound DVDs over and over. It's amazing to think that I am forming life. I get overwhelmed with the thought of God trusting my husband and myself to raise up a child. So many people struggle with infertility and yet I was so blessed to be able to conceive.
We can't wait for this little bundle of joy to come into the world. He is already loved my so many. In less than 10 weeks (hopefully!) we will be smothering him with kisses and hugs and so much love!
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