Saturday, May 16, 2015

Police open house

Last week I read that there was going to be a police station open house and health fair in our neighborhood. There was going to be a jaws of life demonstration, rock climbing, and firetrucks. I knew that Judah would absolutely love to see the firetrucks and police cars. This morning Judah had a complete meltdown when we were trying to get ready to leave (if only he knew where we were going). I almost called it off because our patience was wearing thin and we were beginning to get frustrated. I knew that he would love it once we got there and I'm so happy we decided to get through the morning and make it to the fair. I didn't know that there was going to be a helicopter landing and I think that was the best part of the trip. Judah loves airplanes and helicopters so as you can tell from the pictures, he was quite amazed. He did seem a little concerned for the helicopter when it was landing. His exact words (over and over) were "Oh no, helicopter!".

 Making his firetruck noise

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